Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hey, You guys!


Good ol' chunk... You guys know the Goonies, right? Um shut up yes you do.

Anyway, Just thought I'd say I'm still alive, if any of you care. Which I'm sure not many of you do, but... you know. Just sayin'.

Hey Bailey and Rachel and any of my other friends who found my blog... How'd you find my blog? You guys are just like making references to it and stuff, and I still don't get how the heck you found it.

So... Here's a picture of a marmoset.

He's cool, get off his case.


Mindy K said...

Glad you enjoyed our Halloween costumes!!

I LERV Goonies, and nobody can beat a marmoset--tiny, poochy belly, yay!! :)

I am Chree-uz. said...

What a cute little critter! I want one! He shall be mine and I shall name him Critter. Or Desty.

Unknown said...

Yes! He is a cool guy. I give him an A.