Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Wow, my last post was in February? Egad boy, Pull yourself together! Anyway, me and my friend Isaac have been practicing some songeth(Him on the drums, me on vocals and SHUH-REDDING guitar) and we entered the school talent show this thursday. We're gonna play "The Greatest View" By Silverchair, and we're gonna ROCK! Videos soon. Also, if I know you, and you play the bass, and you're between the ages of like 12-14, we need you to play the bass! Eth! In our Band! Ok, I'll stop now. Bye. Idiot.


Jenni said...

You freakin rock dude!!!! You were so awesome at the talent show. AMAZING! We were all so impressed. ROCK ON!

Jenni said...

I vote that you post the video of your performance on here....... GO GO GO GO!